Data Processing
Articles authored by Elixir School contributors and members of the community.
Configuration Demystified
We attempt to clear up some confusion around configuration by looking at the different types, the roles they play, and a different approach we could take.
Sean Callan
Ecto query composition
Follow along as we look at how to dynamically compose Ecto queries using pattern matching and reduction.
A brief guide to Ecto.Multi
Learn how to compose and execute batches of queries using Ecto.Multi.
Svilen Gospodinov
Umbrellas: Only When it Rains?
A look at umbrella applications and how they can help us write cleaner maintainable code.
Understanding Recursion with Elixir
De-mystify the concept of recursion and gain a deeper understanding of how and why to use it by writing our very own recursive function in Elixir.
Sophie DeBenedetto
Building web apps with Plug.Router
When it comes to building a web application with Elixir many people will immediately reach for Phoenix. However, did you know Plug.Router is just as viable an option? Sometimes, it can be even faster.
Building Elixir School’s Admissions portal
Follow along as we use build Elixir School’s Slack invite portal: Admissions.
LiveView Design Patterns - LiveComponent and the Single Responsibility Principle
It’s easy to end up with an overly complex LiveView that houses lots of business rules and responsibilities. We can use Phoenix.LiveComponent to build a LiveView feature that is clean, maintainable and adherent to the Single Responsibility Principle.