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NimblePublisher is a minimal filesystem-based publishing engine with Markdown support and code highlighting.

Why use NimblePublisher?

NimblePublisher is a simple library designed for publishing content parsed from local files using Markdown syntax. A typical use case would be building a blog.

This library encapsulates most of the code that Dashbit uses for their own blog, as presented in their post Welcome to our blog: how it was made! - and where they explain why they chose parsing the content from local files instead of using a database or a more complex CMS.

Creating your content

Let’s build our own blog. In our example, we’re using a Phoenix application but Phoenix is not a requirement. As NimblePublisher only takes care of parsing the local files, you can use it in any Elixir application.

First, let’s create a new Phoenix application for our example. We’ll call it NimbleSchool, and we’ll create it like this because we don’t need Ecto where we’re going:

mix nimble_school --no-ecto

Now, let’s add some posts. We need to start creating a directory that will contain our posts. We’ll keep them organized by year in this format:


For example, we start with these two posts:


A typical blog post will be written in Markdown syntax, with a metadata section on top, and the content below separated by ---, like this:

  title: "Hello World!",
  author: "Jaime Iniesta",
  tags: ~w(hello),
  description: "Our first blog post is here"
Yes, this is **the post** you've been waiting for.

I’ll let you be creative writing your own posts. Just ensure you follow the above format for the metadata and content.

With these posts in place, let’s install NimblePublisher so we can parse the content and build up our Blog context.

Installing NimblePublisher

First, add nimble_publisher as a dependency. You can optionally include syntax highlighters, in this case we’ll add support for highlighting Elixir and Erlang code.

In our Phoenix app, we’ll add this in mix.exs:

  defp deps do
      {:nimble_publisher, "~> 0.1.1"},
      {:makeup_elixir, ">= 0.0.0"},
      {:makeup_erlang, ">= 0.0.0"}

After you’ve run mix deps.get to fetch the dependencies, you’re ready to continue building the blog.

Building the Blog context

We’ll define a Post struct that will hold the content parsed from the files. It will expect a key for each metadata key, and also a :date that will be parsed from the filename. Create a lib/nimble_school/blog/post.ex file with this content:

defmodule NimbleSchool.Blog.Post do
  @enforce_keys [:id, :author, :title, :body, :description, :tags, :date]
  defstruct [:id, :author, :title, :body, :description, :tags, :date]

  def build(filename, attrs, body) do
    [year, month_day_id] = filename |> Path.rootname() |> Path.split() |> Enum.take(-2)
    [month, day, id] = String.split(month_day_id, "-", parts: 3)
    date = Date.from_iso8601!("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}")
    struct!(__MODULE__, [id: id, date: date, body: body] ++ Map.to_list(attrs))

The Post module defines the struct for the metadata and content, and also defines a build/3 function with the logic needed to parse a file with the post contents.

With this Post struct in place, we can define our Blog context that will use NimblePublisher to parse the local files into posts. Create lib/nimble_school/blog/blog.ex with this content:

defmodule NimbleSchool.Blog do
  alias NimbleSchool.Blog.Post

  use NimblePublisher,
    build: Post,
    from: Application.app_dir(:nimble_school, "priv/posts/**/*.md"),
    as: :posts,
    highlighters: [:makeup_elixir, :makeup_erlang]

  # The @posts variable is first defined by NimblePublisher.
  # Let's further modify it by sorting all posts by descending date.
  @posts Enum.sort_by(@posts, & &, {:desc, Date})

  # Let's also get all tags
  @tags @posts |> Enum.flat_map(& &1.tags) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.sort()

  # And finally export them
  def all_posts, do: @posts
  def all_tags, do: @tags

As you can see, the Blog context uses NimblePublisher to build the collection of Post from the indicated local directory, using the syntax highlighters that we want to use.

NimblePublisher will create the @posts variable, which we later process to sort the posts descending by :date as we normally want in a blog.

We also define @tags by taking them from the @posts.

Finally, we define all_posts/0 and all_tags/0 that will just return what was parsed respectively.

Let’s try it! Enter a console with iex -S mix and run:

iex(1)> NimbleSchool.Blog.all_posts()
    author: "Jaime Iniesta",
    body: "<p>\nAwesome, this is our second post in our great blog.</p>\n",
    date: ~D[2020-11-04],
    description: "Second blog post",
    id: "exciting-news",
    tags: ["exciting", "news"],
    title: "Exciting News!"
    author: "Jaime Iniesta",
    body: "<p>\nYes, this is <strong>the post</strong> you’ve been waiting for.</p>\n",
    date: ~D[2020-10-28],
    description: "Our first blog post is here",
    id: "hello-world",
    tags: ["hello"],
    title: "Hello World!"

iex(2)> NimbleSchool.Blog.all_tags() 
["exciting", "hello", "news"]

Isn’t that great? We already have all our posts parsed, with Markdown interpretation, and ready to go. Also for tags!

Now, it’s important to see that NimblePublisher is taking care of parsing the files and building the @posts variable with all of them, and you take it from there to define the functions you need. For example, if we need a function to get the recent posts, we can define it like this:

def recent_posts(num \\ 5), do: Enum.take(all_posts(), num)  

As you can see, we’ve avoided using @posts inside our new function and have used all_posts() instead. Otherwise, the @posts variable would have been expanded by the compiler twice, making a complete copy of all posts.

Let’s define some more functions to have our complete blog example. We’ll need to get a post by its id and also to list all the posts for a given tag. Define the following inside the Blog context:

defmodule NotFoundError, do: defexception [:message, plug_status: 404]

def get_post_by_id!(id) do
  Enum.find(all_posts(), &(& == id)) ||
    raise NotFoundError, "post with id=#{id} not found"

def get_posts_by_tag!(tag) do
  case Enum.filter(all_posts(), &(tag in &1.tags)) do
    [] -> raise NotFoundError, "posts with tag=#{tag} not found"
    posts -> posts

Serving your content

Now that we have a way to get all our posts and tags, serving them just means wiring up routes, controllers, views and templates in the usual way. For this example we’ll keep it simple and just list all posts and get a post by its id. It is left as an exercise to the reader to list posts by tag and extend the layout with the recent posts.


Define the following routes in lib/nimble_school_web/router.ex:

scope "/", NimbleSchoolWeb do
  pipe_through :browser

  get "/blog", BlogController, :index
  get "/blog/:id", BlogController, :show


Define a controller to serve the posts in lib/nimble_school_web/controllers/blog_controller.ex:

defmodule NimbleSchoolWeb.BlogController do
  use NimbleSchoolWeb, :controller

  alias NimbleSchool.Blog

  def index(conn, _params) do
    render(conn, "index.html", posts: Blog.all_posts())

  def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
    render(conn, "show.html", post: Blog.get_post_by_id!(id))


Create a helper module necessary for rendering views in lib/nimble_school_web/controllers/blog_html.ex. By now it’s just:

defmodule NimbleSchoolWeb.BlogHTML do
  use NimbleSchoolWeb, :html

  embed_templates "blog_html/*"


Finally, create the HTML files to render the content. Under lib/nimble_school_web/controllers/blog_html/index.html.heex define this to render the list of posts:

<h1>Listing all posts</h1>

<%= for post <- @posts do %>
  <div id="{}" style="margin-bottom: 3rem;">
      <.link href={~p"/blog/#{}"}><%= post.title %></.link>

      <time><%= %></time> by <%= %>

      Tagged as <%= Enum.join(post.tags, ", ") %>

    <%= raw post.description %>
<% end %>

And create lib/nimble_school_web/controllers/blog_html/show.html.heex to render a single post:

<.link href={~p"/blog"}>← All posts</.link>

<h1><%= @post.title %></h1>

  <time><%= %></time> by <%= %>

  Tagged as <%= Enum.join(@post.tags, ", ") %>

<%= raw @post.body %>

Browse your posts

You’re ready to go!

Fire up the web server with iex -S mix phx.server and visit http://localhost:4000/blog to see your brand new blog in action!

Extending metadata

NimblePublisher is very flexible when it comes to defining our post’s structure and metadata. For example, let’s say we want to add a :published key to flag the posts, and only show the ones where this is true.

We need to add the :published key to the Post struct and the posts metadata. In the Blog module now we can define:

def all_posts, do: @posts

def published_posts, do: Enum.filter(all_posts(), &(&1.published == true))

def recent_posts(num \\ 5), do: Enum.take(published_posts(), num)

Syntax highlighting

NimblePublisher uses the Makeup library for syntax highlighting. You will need to generate the CSS classes for the style you prefer from one defined here.

For example, we’re going to use the :tango_style. From a iex -S mix session, call:

Makeup.stylesheet(:tango_style, "makeup") |> IO.puts()

And place the generated CSS classes in your stylesheets.

Serving other content

NimblePublisher can also be used to build up other publishing contexts with a different structure.

For example, we could manage a collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), in this case we probably don’t need dates, or authors, and a simpler structure with :id, :question and :answer would be just great.

We could place our content files on a different directory structure, for example:


And we could define our Faq struct and build function in lib/nimble_school/faqs/faq.ex like this:

defmodule NimbleSchool.Faqs.Faq do
  @enforce_keys [:id, :question, :answer]
  defstruct [:id, :question, :answer]

  def build(filename, attrs, body) do
    [id] = filename |> Path.rootname() |> Path.split() |> Enum.take(-1)
    struct!(__MODULE__, [id: id, answer: body] ++ Map.to_list(attrs))

Our Faqs context in lib/nimble_school/faqs/faqs.ex would be something like:

defmodule NimbleSchool.Faqs do
  alias NimbleSchool.Faqs.Faq

  use NimblePublisher,
    build: Faq,
    from: Application.app_dir(:nimble_school, "priv/faqs/*.md"),
    as: :faqs

  # The @faqs variable is first defined by NimblePublisher.
  # Let's further modify it by sorting all posts by ascending question
  @faqs Enum.sort_by(@faqs, & &1.question)

  # And finally export them
  def all_faqs, do: @faqs

Source code for example blog

You can find the code for this example in

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