Metaprogramming is the process of using code to write code. In Elixir this gives us the ability to extend the language to fit our needs and dynamically change the code. We’ll start by looking at how Elixir is represented under the hood, then how to modify it, and finally we can use this knowledge to extend it.
A word of caution: Metaprogramming is tricky and should only be used when necessary Overuse will almost certainly lead to complex code that is difficult to understand and debug.
The first step to metaprogramming is understanding how expressions are represented. In Elixir the abstract syntax tree (AST), the internal representation of our code, is composed of tuples. These tuples contain three parts: function name, metadata, and function arguments.
In order to see these internal structures, Elixir supplies us with the quote/2
Using quote/2
we can convert Elixir code into its underlying representation:
iex> quote do: 42
iex> quote do: "Hello"
iex> quote do: :world
iex> quote do: 1 + 2
{:+, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [1, 2]}
iex> quote do: if value, do: "True", else: "False"
{:if, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
[{:value, [], Elixir}, [do: "True", else: "False"]]}
Notice the first three don’t return tuples? There are five literals that return themselves when quoted:
iex> :atom
iex> "string"
iex> 1 # All numbers
iex> [1, 2] # Lists
[1, 2]
iex> {"hello", :world} # 2 element tuples
{"hello", :world}
Now that we can retrieve the internal structure of our code, how do we modify it? To inject new code or values we use unquote/1
When we unquote an expression it will be evaluated and injected into the AST.
To demonstrate unquote/1
let’s look at some examples:
iex> denominator = 2
iex> quote do: divide(42, denominator)
{:divide, [], [42, {:denominator, [], Elixir}]}
iex> quote do: divide(42, unquote(denominator))
{:divide, [], [42, 2]}
In the first example our variable denominator
is quoted so the resulting AST includes a tuple for accessing the variable.
In the unquote/1
example the resulting code includes the value of denominator
Once we understand quote/2
and unquote/1
we’re ready to dive into macros.
It is important to remember that macros, like all metaprogramming, should be used sparingly.
At their core macros are special-case functions designed to return a quoted expression that will be inserted into our application code. Imagine the macro being replaced with the quoted expression rather than called like a function. With macros we have everything necessary to extend Elixir and dynamically add code to our applications.
We begin by defining a macro using defmacro/2
which, like much of Elixir, is itself a macro (let that sink in).
As an example we’ll implement unless
as a macro.
Remember that our macro needs to return a quoted expression:
defmodule OurMacro do
defmacro unless(expr, do: block) do
quote do
if !unquote(expr), do: unquote(block)
Let’s require our module and give our macro a whirl:
iex> require OurMacro
iex> OurMacro.unless true, do: "Hi"
iex> OurMacro.unless false, do: "Hi"
Because macros replace code in our application, we can control when and what is compiled.
An example of this can be found in the Logger
When logging is disabled no code is injected and the resulting application contains no references or function calls to logging.
This is different from other languages where there is still the overhead of a function call even when the implementation is NOP.
To demonstrate this we’ll make a simple logger that can either be enabled or disabled:
defmodule Logger do
defmacro log(msg) do
if Application.get_env(:logger, :enabled) do
quote do
IO.puts("Logged message: #{unquote(msg)}")
defmodule Example do
require Logger
def test do
Logger.log("This is a log message")
With logging enabled our test
function would result in code looking something like this:
def test do
IO.puts("Logged message: #{"This is a log message"}")
If we disable logging the resulting code would be:
def test do
Okay, right now we know how to use quote/2
, unquote/1
and write macros.
But what if you have a huge chunk of quoted code and want to understand it? In this case, you can use Macro.to_string/2
Take a look at this example:
iex> Macro.to_string(quote(do:, 2, 3)))
", 2, 3)"
And when you want to look at the code generated by macros you can combine them with Macro.expand/2
and Macro.expand_once/2
, these functions expand macros into their given quoted code.
The first may expand it several times, while the latter - only once.
For example, let’s modify unless
example from the previous section:
defmodule OurMacro do
defmacro unless(expr, do: block) do
quote do
if !unquote(expr), do: unquote(block)
require OurMacro
quoted =
quote do
OurMacro.unless(true, do: "Hi")
iex> quoted |> Macro.expand_once(__ENV__) |> Macro.to_string |> IO.puts
if(!true) do
If we run the same code with Macro.expand/2
, it’s intriguing:
iex> quoted |> Macro.expand(__ENV__) |> Macro.to_string |> IO.puts
case(!true) do
x when x in [false, nil] ->
_ ->
You may recall that we’ve mentioned if
is a macro in Elixir, here we see it expanded into the underlying case
Private Macros
Though not as common, Elixir does support private macros.
A private macro is defined with defmacrop
and can only be called from the module in which it was defined.
Private macros must be defined before the code that invokes them.
Macro Hygiene
How macros interact with the caller’s context when expanded is known as macro hygiene. By default macros in Elixir are hygienic and will not conflict with our context:
defmodule Example do
defmacro hygienic do
quote do: val = -1
iex> require Example
iex> val = 42
iex> Example.hygienic
iex> val
What if we wanted to manipulate the value of val
? To mark a variable as being unhygienic we can use var!/2
Let’s update our example to include another macro utilizing var!/2
defmodule Example do
defmacro hygienic do
quote do: val = -1
defmacro unhygienic do
quote do: var!(val) = -1
Let’s compare how they interact with our context:
iex> require Example
iex> val = 42
iex> Example.hygienic
iex> val
iex> Example.unhygienic
iex> val
By including var!/2
in our macro we manipulated the value of val
without passing it into our macro.
The use of non-hygienic macros should be kept to a minimum.
By including var!/2
we increase the risk of a variable resolution conflict.
We already covered the usefulness of unquote/1
, but there’s another way to inject values into our code: binding.
With variable binding we are able to include multiple variables in our macro and ensure they’re only unquoted once, avoiding accidental re-evaluations.
To use bound variables we need to pass a keyword list to the bind_quoted
option in quote/2
To see the benefit of bind_quoted
and to demonstrate the revaluation issue let’s use an example.
We can start by creating a macro that simply outputs the expression twice:
defmodule Example do
defmacro double_puts(expr) do
quote do
We’ll try out our new macro by passing it the current system time. We should expect to see it output twice:
iex> Example.double_puts(:os.system_time)
The times are different! What happened? Using unquote/1
on the same expression multiple times results in re-evaluation and that can have unintended consequences.
Let’s update the example to use bind_quoted
and see what we get:
defmodule Example do
defmacro double_puts(expr) do
quote bind_quoted: [expr: expr] do
iex> require Example
iex> Example.double_puts(:os.system_time)
With bind_quoted
we get our expected outcome: the same time printed twice.
Now that we’ve covered quote/2
, unquote/1
, and defmacro/2
we have all the tools necessary to extend Elixir to suit our needs.
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